Montessori Steps in Stopping Bullying

See what steps we have taken to stop discrimination, violence, abuse and neglect.

Protocol on Procedures in the Institution in Response to Violence, Abuse and Neglect

The rights of children and pupils in the Republic of Serbia are exercised in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, ratified international treaties, Criminal Codes ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", no. 85/05, 88/05 – correction, 107/05 – correction, 72/09, 111/09, 121/12, 104/13, 108/14, 94/16 and 35/19), the Law on Juvenile Offenders and Criminal Protection of Juveniles No. 85/05), the Criminal Procedure Code ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 72/11, 101/11, 121/12, 32/13, 45/13, 55/14 and 35/19), Law on Misdemeanours (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 65/13, 13/16 and 98/16 – USA), Family Law (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 18/05, 72/11 – Ph.D. Law and 6/15), Law on General Administrative Procedure (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 18/16 and 95/18 – authentic interpretation), the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 22/09), the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 94/16), the Law on Special Measures for the Prevention of Criminal Offenses against Sexual Offences Freedom over Minors ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 32/13), the Law on the Basics of the Education System ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 88/17, 27/18 – other laws, 10/19 and 6/20), the Law on Student and Student Standard ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. br. 18/17, 55/13, 27/18 – other law and 10/19 – other law) (hereinafter: the Act) and other regulations regulating the rights of children and pupils, as well as relevant international acts ratified by the Republic of Serbia, which to regulate the rights of children and students.

Program for the Protection of Students from Discrimination, Violence, Neglect and Abuse

The Montessori Primary School Program for the Protection of Students from Discrimination, Violence, Abuse and Neglect defines measures and activities that ensure the development and nurturing of a positive atmosphere and a safe environment for students and all employed in schools. The Republic of Serbia has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ("Official Gazette of the SFRY – International Agreements", No. 15/90 and "Official Gazette of the FRY – International Agreements", No. 4/96 and 2/97 – as of now: The Convention is committed to ensuring the realization of all children's rights, in particular protection from all forms of violence, abuse and neglect, full information, fair treatment and the protection of privacy, and the provision of the right to the child to be protected by the rights of the child. has been subjected to violence with support for physical and psychological recovery and its social reintegration. Protocol of action in the institution in response to violence, abuse, neglect and discrimination ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 46/2019 and 104/2020) arises from a series of regulations, under which the rights of children and students in the Republic of Serbia are determined and are carried out in accordance with the International Treaties ratified by the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, a number of individual laws, as well as the Law on the Basics of the System Education (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 88/2017, 27/2018 - other laws, 10/2019, 6/2020 and 129/2021) and other regulations regulating the rights of children and students.